Technology for a greener future

Clean power, green future.

Arctic Power harnesses hydrogen energy through proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, resulting in efficient and eco-friendly power generation resulting in pure water as the only emission.
By combining hydrogen with oxygen from the air, the generators directly convert the fuel's chemical energy into electrical energy, while also producing heat as a byproduct, which can be utilized to increase the overall efficiency of the system. 

How does it work?


The hydrogen molecules enter the fuel cell on the anode side and through a catalytic process the electrons are stripped from the molecules.


The positivity charged protons pass through the membrane to the cathode and the negatively charged electrons are forced through a circuit, generating electricity.


After passing through the circuit, the electrons combine with protons and oxygen from the air to generate the fuel cell's by-products: water and heat.

What are the benefits of fuel cells?

High Efficiency
Quick Refueling 
Low Acoustic Signature
Emission Free
Independent of Power Grid
Energy Security
Low Maintenance Costs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hydrogen?

Hydrogen is a light, highly flammable gas that is the most abundant element in the universe. It is commonly found in water and hydrocarbons and can be produced using various methods. It is used in many industrial applications and has the potential to be an important energy carrier for a sustainable future.

How safe is hydrogen?

Hydrogen is a flammable fuel like petrol, LPG, and natural gas but has unique properties that make it less likely to cause an explosion than heavier gases such as natural gas and gasoline vapor. Moreover, hydrogen disperses and disappears rapidly, making it safer to handle than many other fuels. Despite the annual production of over 50 million tons of hydrogen, its safety record is excellent. As with all flammable fuels, responsible handling and understanding of its behavior are essential for safe use.

What is a fuel cell?

A fuel cell generates electricity without burning fuel by chemically reacting hydrogen with oxygen (usually from the air) to create water. 

Hydrogen is the ideal energy source for fuel cells as it produces only water and heat. Using hydrogen in fuel cells results in zero emissions. Fuel cells are more than twice as efficient as internal combustion engines because they produce electricity directly from hydrogen and oxygen. Unlike batteries, fuel cells do not require recharging and will function as long as they are supplied with hydrogen.

Why should I buy a fuel cell based generator when I can simply use diesel-powered generators and/or batteries?

Although fossil fuel-based solutions are affordable and easily accessible, they can be inconvenient due to complex maintenance. Diesel generators are heavy, noisy, and emit foul odors, and batteries are heavy and have short discharging times with long recharge times. In contrast, fuel cell generators are highly efficient, operating at around 95% efficiency when waste heat is utilized, making them eco-friendly, lightweight, and emit no pollutants. Hydrogen fuel is energy-dense and has 130 times more energy per kilogram than batteries, making it an ideal fuel source for various applications.

Fuel cells also have a much longer lifespan than batteries, providing a more cost-effective and sustainable solution. Additionally, fuel cell-based generators can operate continuously with a steady supply of hydrogen, unlike batteries that require recharging and have a limited lifespan, making them less reliable for high-capacity power generation needs.


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